On Wednesday's class, we watched a fancy blog which has several interesting tests to help us detect our personality, but its true intention is to predict what kind of car could be 'the one',that is, to sell cars.
The test asks you to pick one statue which you think resembles you the most and one pair of gloves that you picture yourself wearing in the future; imagine how many people at breakfast; what kind of engine do you prefer to setting in your car; which scenery is the most common one when you're driving, etc..
The form of the blog is very simple and clean, not so many additive decorations or redundant instructions. All the icons and images and movements enhance the quality of attention, and the setting and sequence of the questions make me more and more curious about what kind of result can I get.
The sound of clicking a button is various: when clicking on a statue, it sounds like moving a stone away; when choosing the animal that represents your desired engine, it actually sounds like a real animal. These sounds not only make the tests vivid and interesting, but also help us to imagine the given situation and make our choice. And everytime when you click a button, you see the movement, then you can actually feel like you're touching those things or moving the chairs, or setting the table, or driving on your way...
As the test involves a lot of personal and individual attitudes, preferences, experiences,emotions, dreams, and hopes, so it indeed arouse our thinking. It makes feel delighted and relaxed, also a little bit surprised, since I cannot possibly connect these questions to a result of "what kind of car will you buy?".
It's the most creative and intersting blog I've ever seen.I love it! Do you?